Free Slurpee Tickets - Trick-or-Treaters This Year
Earlier this week, I posted about this year's Halloween Trick-or-Treater tally (302 for the record) , but I also wanted to share one little change we made to our candy mix. Normally, we have both 'full size' candy bars (for the kids we know) and the normal 'snack size' candy bars for everyone else. (For the record, we get both a big bag of chocolate-based bars and a big bag of chewy/fruit-flavored treats.) We also have the blue pumpkin out front for kids who can't eat nuts and candy and what not, so Nat gets a set of plastic toys and spider rings and vampire teeth and what-have-yous, although I don't think we had anyone request that stuff this year. But this year, I also bought a book of 20 of those free small slurpee tickets that you see up top of this post. They went fast! I gave them to 'kids we know', so 20 of those kids got a little extra treat from us. And at just $5 for 20 tickets , it was a fun little addition to the mix. I...