A (First Attempt) at A Permanent Fairy Garden - Gravel Path Bed - December 2024

2024 was the year of cut flowers, but it also was the year of some ' garden personality '. I included the notion of adding even more 'garden personality' as number 22 on my 2024 to-do list . To that end, I feel like I added a bit - including the 'feed me' compost bin sign . I also added - and mostly neglected - a small Stumpery in the back late in 2023 . There's another bit of 'garden personality' that I added earlier this year that I failed to post about here on the blog. That "bit" is my first attempt at a more-permanent Fairy Garden using a piece of Norway Maple trunk and a couple pieces of Norway Maple bark to create a little roof. I sunk the bottom-half of the trunk into the ground to give it some stability and attached the roof with a couple of decking screws. I added a little branch 'perch' where the door will go about half-way-up the trunk. See below for the first Fairy House built in my new(ish) (more permanent) F...