Building a Floating Backyard Boardwalk - July 2023

As far back as Summer of 2017 (the Summer we moved into our house), I've been posting, talking, dreaming and planning for the 'entrance' to our backyard along the northside of our house. This post from July 2017 shows where we started - a small, narrow strip of land between our screened porch and our fence that has a grade down from our house . In the six (yes...SIX) years since then, I've looked at this problem a ton of ways. I've had pros come up with designs . I found inspiration on YouTube that included a waterfall . And, I began to address some of the issues with this spot. What were those issues? 1. Privacy. We needed to add some screening along this fenceline to make our patio and screened porch usable. 2. Access. Getting from our driveway to our patio has been tough - the grade has been the biggest pain. 3. Size. It is narrow in there. 4. Cost. How can I accomodate the r...