Thanksgiving Tradition: The Last Waltz - 2023
Thanksgiving will be great if you do four things and four things only 1 . 1. Get outside and do something. We, thanks to Nat do a Turkey Trot. But, if you do a Turkey Bowl or just a walk. That's good. 2. Eat. A lot. This one is easy. Everybody does it. 3. Watch some football. Same as #2 above. Easy peasy. 4. Enjoy (at least part) of The Last Waltz from The Band. Or Get Back from The Beatles and Peter Jackson - if that's more your thing. This is the 17th year that I've blogged about The Last Waltz and 14th year-in-a-row. Here's my post from 2023 outlining the four keys to Thanksgiving - including The Last Waltz . Here's my post from 2022 on The Last Waltz and Turkey Bowls/Trots . Here's my post from 2021 on The Last Waltz and The Beatles . Here's my post from 2020 where I skipped The Last Waltz (Thanks, COVID.). Here's my post from 2019 on The Last Waltz . Here's my post from...