New Project: Holiday Weekend Wedding
If you haven't been able to pick this up by now, I'm not one to hold back my opinion on some things. Nat insists that I think that the entire world should think just the way I think on some things. And, I guess that's true. I do, often, wish that the world thought the way I did on a bunch of topics. But, I'm not sitting by and leaving it up to luck that people will come around on some topics. If you've followed along at all over the years, you know I have an opinion on when it is acceptable to listen to Christmas music . And I tried to do something about skunks in Elmhurst . Today, I'm excited to release my latest web project. The wedding industry is chock'd full of advice sites. How-to guides. Tip sheets. Consultants. In fact, my wife Natalie was an award-winning member of the industry for a bit. My project is aimed at the wedding industry. It is an advice website called " Holid...