17 Years of Blogging - Web Publishing Anniversary

I suppose it is more like seventeen years and seven weeks. I seem to have missed chronicling the 17 year mark of publishing the Web here on the blog back in February. February 16, 2004 was my very first post on my Weblog that traveled from JoinTomCross to RhodesSchool to JakeParrillo. But, thankfully (lol), I've brought over all of those posts to this one place online. Seventeen years is a long time for anything. For me, it is 40% of my life. I fell in love with the Web back in 2004 and haven't looked back. But, plenty of you others have moved on - to other platforms and other tools. But for me, there's a lot of joy to be putting my fingers to the keyboard and everyday: " Show up, sit down and type. " That exercise - writing something, every day, is because I fear atrophy. As I've reached my 40's, I realize (painfully so) that my body is atrophy'ing. But, my mind? And the idea of creating? I can fight that off by pushing...