Mason's Sand + Fireclay To Set Firebrick Floor - Wood-Fired Pizza Oven Build Project - August 2024

The oven project is continuing to move head. Last time I posted about it was the cutting and installation of the CalSil insulation board that I mounted on top of a pattern of mosiac tile . That 4" of CalSil insulation is the base for the firebrick floor. So, laying that insulation was the last big piece towards building the actual oven. To get the floor in place and level, I opted to lay down a base of mason's sand (which has no rocks) and fireclay (the dried-up dust from cutting the firebricks that comes off the saw) that I combined 50/50 and wet to make a paste. You can see this process in a few photos below. I used a notched trowel to smooth out the paste. Then....I began to lay the brick floor down like tile. Next up - laying the full floor and the first layer of the dome. As a reminder, I opted to isolate the floor from the dome with the dome bricks cut separately from the floor .