Twinkle Toes Lungwort Emerging - First Spring 2021

Last Fall, we went NUTS at the Morton Arboretum Fall plant sale. Bought all sorts of stuff - some that made sense, some that didn't - base don our plan and priorities. And, some of the decisions kind of landed in the middle. They sorta made sense. But sorta didn't. One of THOSE was the trio of Twinkle Toes Lungworts that we bought and planted on the south side of the property . Buying those didn't make sense because they're NOT in our plan. But, buying them *did* make sense because of a few things: they're blue. And they grow and flower in deep shade - which we have tons of - and they flower in Spring - after Hellebores and before annual flowers show off. After planting them, I mulched them initially with some wood chips and then left them alone. There's some good news - in that it seems that all three are back this Spring. Here's the little bit of green foliage that has emerged from t...