Edelman's B2B Marketing Blog And Eating Our Own Dog Food

As recently as July of this year, I posted about some #client work for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet my team has been doing at Edelman in our B2B Marketing practice. Back in February, I shared some other client work here on the blog . Those two examples give you a sense for the types of things we're doing at Edelman, but one thing that always struck me was: we weren't eating our own dog food . I mean...we build really great communications marketing campaigns for our clients, but we don't market our own practice in any way. So, with the combined effort of a bunch of folks at Edelman, we decided to change that by launching our own content hub. It is *just* getting started, but that's the key part: starting. There is so much inertia against moving on something like this that it has taken the better part of six months to get to this point. We're using a marketing automation tool that we often-times use for our client projects. Our team is gr...