Overseeding Backyard - Tall Fescue - October 2021

We have had a particularly difficult grass-growing season this Summer. The heat and drought sent the majority of our Kentucky Blue Grass into dormancy. There were a couple of spots that I believe went beyond dormancy into death including the low spot outside of our patio area in back. At first, I thought that maybe this was grub damage - because it wasn't responding to water - but after digging up the turf and having a look, all I saw was worms. No grubs. But, I also found a pretty shallow area of topsoil on top of gravel for our drywell. I haven't done any sizeable Fall seeding projects, but based on the soil temperature, coupled with a forecast that called for a period of cooler temperatures and some rain, I thought that I'd take on trying to overseed a good portion of this area. I first used my thatch rake to remove a lot of the dead material , then took out my manual aeration tool to create some holes. After doing a little ...