Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' - Front Porch Bed Border - July 2024

Yesterday, I posted a look at the view of our front porch beds. This post takes a look at a small section right *behind* that view. In my fit of planting Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' during the 2023 growing season, I seem to have put down three small plugs in the front porch bed - along the front/southside border. These are set back a little from where the annuals go and are in front of the last/one Green Velvet Boxwood that is staggered behind the others that went in last year. I don't seem to have documented them when they were planted, but I know they came from a 12-pack of plugs, so they were small. What do they look like today? Three clumps that have spread out and started to cover some of the bare dirt - aka "living mulch". Below is a photo showing the Ajuga as well as a peek at the annual marigolds in front: More of these should be on my Fall Planting 2024 list. There are literally DOZENS of places that can use 'living mulch'. ...