Illinois Governor's Race Money Widget From ProPublica

Early this morning, the folks at ProPublica Illinois released a widget that documents the fundraising and spending of the gubernatorial candidates in Illinois . shows most of the candidates - the ones who are *in* the race with a shot at winning their respective primary. I'm embedding their widget below. ( cute thing to mention here: the url of the story is at: their domain/nerds/story. Nice touch, right?? ) Loading... There's obviously some interesting things going on here in the race ( like JB Pritzker's burn rate ?!?) that smarter and more tuned in political people can provide context on, but the reason I'm posting this is that it reminds me of the old days. The old days? back in the mid-aughts when there were plenty of local bloggers - and specifically local political bloggers - that had their own little homesteads on the Web . That's when I fell in love with the Web and met so many people ...