Two Upright Hicks Yews Added By Firepit Entrance - July 2022
My number one priority for this gardening season has been to focus on adding shrubs to the garden. That means both evergreen shrubs as well as deciduous ones that lose their leaves come Fall. To date, I've planted 15 shrubs in the garden with the last ones being the set of three Little Lime Hydrangeas in the backyard . When I was at the orange Big Box nursery recently, I found a table of very small (1# nursery pots) Hicks upright Yews. I've used these all over the place in our garden, so I figured I could pick up another set of these to plant. I mean...they were $5 each, so what's not to like, right? The question was where to put them. There are a bunch of places, but one that I've been thinking about is how we add a little bit of structure to the (current) entrance to our fire pit area. We have this little mulch border that we've placed a couple of small pieces of flagstone that you can use to traverse from the lawn to the fire pit...