Buddhist Pine - A Tropical Bonsai For 2021?

Yesterday, I posted my bonsai dreaming for the year and mentioned that one of the items on my 2021 bonsai mini-list was to try a tropical bonsai like a ficus or umbrella. It was #8 on that list , but I'll start with it here on the blog. For beginner bonsai hobbyists, a couple of other very common tropical to try is Dwarf or Mini Jade and Chinese Elm. Those are interesting, but I think I came across something else that might be more my speed. I was poking around on some bonsai nurseries sites and came across a tropical called a dwarf podocarpus. Here's the listing (below) on Brussel's Bonsai : Source via Brussel's Bonsai product listing. The common name for this is Buddhist Pine - Podocarpus macrophyllus - and is talked about in various bonsai places on the Web. This list from Bonsai Outlet talks the benefits of giving this particular cultivar a shot. That includes : Tolerates temperature variances. Hard to train. Produces cones ...