2021 Priority Area #2 - Woodland Understory on Northside

Yesterday, I published the first of my 2021 garden/yard priority areas . Today, is my second one - with the hope that this exercise helps me contain my enthusiasm and force me to focus on adding things that matter. Like a lot of you, I find myself in a daze when Spring comes and I add things to my cart that I don't really need just because they're, well, there. Priority Area #1 for 2021 calls for 15 plants (8 Allium, 7 ferns), so that part ALONE is a substantial investment. Priority Area #2 calls for even more. 41 plants. Yeah...41. This one might take two years to swing in terms of getting the plantings right. But, lets start by looking at the area in question. This is in between Priority Area #2 from last year AND the trio (at the time) of tiny Canadian Hemlock trees I planted along the north side of the fence line. Here, below, is a look at this area: You can see that this area calls for: 10 Lenten Rose 9 Guacamole H...