Doc and Marty - BTTF Playmobil Toys

These are a couple of the KotBT's toys (that thanks to my BTTF-loving spouse) exist in our house. They're sitting in his room right next to my vintage wrasslers . There's a WHOLE LINE of these from Playmobil including the Delorean, Marty's pickup, the hoverboard scene and (apparently?!?) an Advent Calendar. Go here to see all the sets . All that we have is Marty with his guitar and Doc Brown with his brown gloves and a copy of the Save the Clocktower flyer. They're super cute, right? And...just to be clear: while these are supposed to be kid toys, they're clearly aimed at suckers like me, right? I mean...just look at the detail on the back of the flyer (below) showing what Jennifer wrote to Marty in the movie: Feels like once these go thru the normal kid play cycle and they get shelved, I'll glom on to them and keep them on my desk. That's the right thing to do, isn't it? I mean...I did go to the 25th anniversary showing of the film and p...