Two More Disneyland Roses - Planted Fall 2018

Last year, Nat's Mom gifted us a Disneyland Rose for our anniversary and this year she did the same thing, but gave us two of them. They arrived recently in a box from Jackson & Perkins that you see above. Here's the post showing the rose plant from 2017 and includes the description of the variety. I revisited our Disneyland Rose in June when it came back for the year and produced some small, but spectacular blooms. I ended up planting the first one underneath the kitchen windows amongst some hostas and grasses. I think that ultimately, I'm going to have to transplant it next year to a different spot, but for this season, it did well. Below you can see the two new Rose plants that were shipped in the container. I ended up planting them on the south side of our house - on either side of the window well that is out there. Again, I'm not certain that this is where they're destined to go, but it is pretty much a blank canvas out there an...