Somerset Grape Update: Japanese Beetles Attack!

Yesterday, I posted a photo of the variety of grapevine that I planted in our container this Summer (Somerset) and mentioned that I did that just because I wanted to post a follow-up. Today, is that follow-up. You can see that we have been attacked by some Japanese Beetles. They've basically skeleton-ized some of the larger leaves. Unfortunately, they arrived when I was out of town for the better part of a week, so they got a head start. Since then, I've tried to monitor the plants and remove the beetles everyday by hand. I tried drowning them in soapy water with mixed results. Turns out, the Japanese Beetle is a known grapevine. This piece from My Grape Vine says : The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica, also known as the jitterbug) is one of the most visible and most destructive feeders of grape vine foliage out there. The Japanese beetle attacks most green parts of the grape vine, but mostly feeds on young leaves in the upper ...