Primulas In Bloom - Early Spring - April 2024

Last Spring, I took a shot on a couple of primroses at an early-in-the-season garden show. I was pretty unfamiliar with them - hence this post titled: " Giving Primrose A Shot " from March 2023 where I figured I was lulled into a false belief that these early-blooming flowers would work in our Zone 5b (at that time, now Zone 6a) garden. We're suckers for blue blooms and the three Primula belarina 'Blue Champion' that I bought were pretty close to blue. I seem to have ONLY posted about the blue ones, but if you look back at the photos in this post , you can clearly see that we brought home four Primulas that day; three blue and one white one. They went in and seemed to manage their first growing season without much drama. By the very early days of 2024, I posted about seeing some of their foliage - despite the harsh Winter temps in the garden. Today - about 90 days since then, they're in bloom. And they're quite nice. Below i...