Green Velvet Boxwoods Under Linden Trees - Winter Interest via Evergreen Shrubs - January 2025

In the Summer of 2023, I planted eleven (11) small (I mean...REALLY small, 1# nursery pots that were on sale for $5 a piece) Green Velvet Boxwood shrubs in a staggered pattern at the feet of the two Greenspire Linden Trees that are currently being trained into a horizontal cordon espalier. I wanted to add some evergreens to this bed to provide structure, formality and Winter interest. Today, 18-months-later, those boxwoods are starting to fill-out and provide exactly what I was looking for: winter interest. See below for a photo showing the Green Velvet boxwoods and the pair of Linden trees in the snow: I posted a photo of these in May of 2024 when they were putting on their annual, shaggy growth . This past Summer marked their first full year in the ground. While still small-in-size, these Boxwoods are providing contrast against the bright-white snow. These will, with time, get to between three-and-four-feet tall and w...