Farm Security Administration Desk Chair - Garage Sale Find

A few weeks past, I posted a photo of a couple of soda pop bottles that I picked up for my Dad at a garage sale down the street . In that post, I mentioned that I bought a desk chair, too. This, is that desk chair. It isn't destined for my desk, but rather for my office as a chair the kids can sit in while they're in there with me. The chair was priced right and didn't require any haggling, so I snatched it up and put it in the back of my car. It is well worn, but still rocks and spins and seems to be very solid. After I got it home, I noticed a few tags on the lower parts of the chair that tell the chair's story. Check out the tags below. First one says: U.S. Department of Agriculture. F.S.A. Farm Security Administration. It appears that the number for inventory control has been scratched out. On another leg, there's another Department of Agriculture FSA tag with the letters "U" and "S" on either side of...