Rhododendrons Blooming - June 2021

We have a pair of Rhododendrons planted on either side of our rear stoop that we put in the ground in 2018 as part of our plan . I have never pruned them, but have protected them a little bit in Winter using Wilt-pruf a couple of times. These are evergreen shrubs and they put on a nice flower show most years. But, this year these shrubs looked a little sad earlier this Spring. They were yellow, drooping and leggy. I bought some Epsoma Holly Tone this year to feed my hydrangeas and these Rhdodendrons and it seems like they've responded a bit. I'm pretty sure they have an iron deficiency - as outlined here by Ortho. Purdue University Extension office has a post up about this yellowing - called chlorosis . I have started to feed these with a little bit of coffee grounds, but I think that I'm going to need some more drastic action to correct the iron. But, back to this season: these two shrubs are flowering right now with light purple ...