Christmas Haul - C-Life Smart Bulbs With Google Home

I've chronicled my experience with LIFX bulbs before here on the blog. Here's my post from February of last year showing the bulb and how we were using it . The LIFX bulbs are great. They have tons of different colors, plenty of scheduling, integration with Nest and Google Home. But they're pricey. Still. After being on the market for a number of years, they're still about $49.00 per bulb . These GE C-Life bulbs are cheaper. Much cheaper. If you can find them on sale, you can get a pair of them for $15. $7.50 per bulb is very affordable. But with that lower cost comes some trade-offs. First, there's no color. They're just normal light bulbs. Second, it appears that they're running off bluetooth, so they have to be *close* to a Google Home. Welp, for us, that's not a problem, because we have these Google Homes, Google Home Minis and Google Home what-have-yous in various places around our hous...