Cascade Hops Vine - Trellised - June 2022

#6 on my 2022 to-do list included the need for providing a more robust structure or trellis system for our one-year-old Cascade Hops vine that was planted last year. Last year, I used a small, metal ornamental trellis that allowed the vine to get up about three or four feet off the ground . This year, I was planning on providing a true, stand-alone trellis. But...the growth of this vine thought otherwise. Why? Because it grew like crazy and by the time I was getting around to thinking about which trellis to buy, it was too late. But, my 2022 to-do list still stood. What could I do? I decided to take the same route I took with the Belgian Fence frame: attach some deck screws to the fence and wire up a grid on the fence to provide for the vine to grow up. I put in a dozen or so screws and wrapped green, outdoor wire around them in a box-shape and some cross-wires to make various ways for the vine to grow. ...