Compost Bin Summer Update: Turning, Layering, Reloading - July 2023
I had a little bit of time off earlier this week and I opted to do some annual compost program maintenance. I've done this the past few years and #11 on my list this year was to 'continue on my compost journey'. Here's what I wrote: 11. Continue on our composting journey. That starts with using our kitchen bin , turning the mixed bin, amending with alfalfa and/or biosolids. It also means that I need to keep moving through the two bins and tumbler set-up with the goal of a tumbler-full-of-finished compost to be used in the garden every season. Fall leaves stored in Fall , full, properly mixed bin by end-of-season. Up until now, I felt pretty good about composting this year. Between the use of Starbucks grounds as an additive to adding kitchen scraps , I've been good about putting more waste in the bins. I've also made a pretty big mound/pile of material from various projects and all the leaves from my Spring ...