Burst Mode on the Nexus 6P Camera

Those of you that follow the technology world like I do likely heard about/read about the new Pixel and Pixel XL phones that Google announced last week along with other things like Google Home and Google Wifi. Being an Android guy and owner of every Nexus phone (and a few tablets!) that have come out, I couldn't wait to get in line to buy a phone. But, as part of the marketing for these new phones, Google has been doing a lot of talk about the camera. And how it is, by at least one regard, the *best* camera to ever be put in a phone. That's nice, right? They also talked about a feature called Smartburst. From their post : Pixel’s camera lets you take stunning photos in low light, bright light or any light. Catch action shots as they happen with Smartburst, which takes a rapid-fire sequence of shots and automatically selects the best one. Use Lens Blur to achieve shallow depth of field and bokeh effects, making your subject pop. You can capture...