Serendipity Allium - Fall Dividing - October 2024

Last Fall, I took the pair of Serendipity Alliums and divided them into five 'clumps' that I transplanted into two spots IB2DWs . I started with three, but one didn't make it. So, I put three back in the original location and put the other two further down IB2DWs (extended). I've noted how I really LOVE Serendipity - it gives me everything I like in Summer Beauty - but more. Longer bloom time. Later bloom time. Just all-around better performers. So, why not divide them and get *more* of Serendipity. I've had a lot of luck dividing Summer Beauty, but there's no sense in spending time dividing those right now when I'm looking to upgrade them with Serendipity. As part of Fall Planting, I decided to divide one of them into three clumps (+2 free plants) to get our garden a few more of these. Below is a look at the 'before' bed - with the Serendipity Allium that I was planning on dividing on the right - you can see ...