Mr Baseball's Famous Franks - Bob Uecker Hot Dogs from Usinger's in Wisconsin

When we used to go to Michigan, we tried to incorporate Michigan-based foodstuffs into our rotation like this local Michigan beet sugar , local potato chips and these Koegel's hot dogs from (wait for it....Flint, Michigan). Since we transitioned to Wisconsin, we've done some of the same - and I've chronicled both on-going and one-off Wisconsin foodstuffs like this local root beer , various cheeses , New Glarus beer and...of course... the King of Clubs cold pack club cheese . There's a new entrant from the Usinger's Sausage company: Mr. Baseball's Famous Franks Beef Frankfurters. That's Bob Uecker for those non-sports folks (or...really....non Sports-movies people as my introduction to Bob Uecker was as Harry Doyle in the Major League Movie s and that Miller Lite Beer commercial - "must be in the front row! "). He does the radio call for the Milwaukee Brewers , so it is a natural to see him involved in hot dogs, right? Hot dogs and b...