Japanese Painted Fern Screened Porch Side - Summer 2021

Yesterday, I checked in some Bressingham Blue hostas that were planted in 2018 as bare root plants and had now grown to be fully established and thriving. In that post, I mentioned that there was a Japanese Painted Fern planted in between some of the hostas. I figured that fern deserved a proper [ garden diary ] update for Summer 2020. You can see the fern below - it is happy and healthy, despite being crowded by the hostas. If you go back to the post showing when I bought and planted this fern in 2018 (bought for just $2 at Menards), I included a photo of the tag. And that means that I can confirm this is a Pictum Japanese Painted fern. My plan (as of yesterday) is to try to split up/divide the hostas this Fall to provide this fern with a little bit of space. As for growth history, here's what I have: 2018 - planted in Spring . Looks like it struggled due to Summer + transplant stress, but also likely because I ignored it, ...