Late-Season Growth - Twinkle Toes Lungwort - October 2021

I planted three of these Twinkle Toes Pulmonaria (Lungwort) last Fall after buying them from the Morton Arboretum Fall Plant Sale . It seemed to do fine to wind down the growing season last year and I was excited to see it re-emerge this Spring with new growth . I don't seem to have posted any specific photos of these during the growing season, but I did sneak them into these photos from when I planted some Jack of Diamonds Brunnera this Summer . When I was out planting the Green Gem boxwoods recently, I noticed that these had put on some LATE-Season growth and seemed pretty happy. Below, are a couple of photos showing (first) all three of them. You can see the new, more-green foliage in the center of the plant as the new growth. Then, in the second photo, you can see a close-up of the new growth. These have been a great addition to our shade garden and I can think of a half-dozen other places to add similar Pulmonaria plants. Thinking I should put ...