Dang Rabbits Made A Burrow Again - April 2022

Last Summer, we had a Rabbit create a little baby bunny burrow right on the edge of our patio . While it sure was fun for the kids, it created some problems with the dog. Frankly... as I said back then : it was a bad spot for stashing some tiny bunnies. All Winter long, we've had rabbit damage, so they're not on the top of my 'invite list' when I think about critters making a home in our yard. But...I have to remind myself that one of the criteria for a "Certified Wildlife Habitat" is having 'places to raise young' . So, I suppose having our yard used for a second-straight year as a place to raise tiny bunnies speaks to the conditions. I said second-straight year. Yep. They're back. But, this time, the Mamma Rabbit picked a MUCH better spot: tucked in against the house, behind our air conditioners. Here (below), you can see the little fur she's provided as a blanket in the corner and how she puts the leaves and other land...