Google+ - The Emerald Sea Where My Past And Future Collided
I was sitting in these internal meetings for Edelman in Toronto a few weeks back and my past hit me square between the eyes. One of the speakers was Joshua Gans , a professor at the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto who speaks widely on the concept of disruption. It was an appropriate topic for us at Edelman because our agency is undergoing a transformation of sorts as we head away from pure Public Relations to becoming a Communications Marketing organization. He runs a blog called Digitopoly and covers disruption and economics. Welp, during his talk, he cited a few examples of organizations that made moves based on the marketplace and talked about their being three factors in disruption: 1. First...can you guys see the disruption coming? 2. Can you identify and organize a response? And... 3. Can you execute on the response and adopt it to your organization. He also talked about the three type of respons...