Pruning Back LimeLight Hydrangea - Container-Grown From Cutting - August 2024

Yesterday, I showed off the one-gallon Limelight Hydrangea that I've grown from a cutting and how it was throwing off its first blooms . In that post, I talked about how I was going to prune some of the limbs back to get it to be a little less 'leggy'. This morning, I did just that. But, I also did something else: drenched it. Here, below, is the limelight hydrangea after pruning off the tips. I kept 3 sets of leaves on all limbs, but clipped off everything above that third pair. It was looking a little droopy, still: But, a few hours later - after the water had time to work its way through the plant's system, here (below) is what it looked like - a lot less stressed: I'll make sure this thing is happy for the rest of the month, then come September - when the temps begin to drop - I'm hoping it will continue to put on some new growth.