In Memoriam - Four Deaths in 2023 (So Far)

Like they do at the Hollywood Awards shows, I should (if I had more time) make a montage video marking the "In Memoriam" of everything that we've planted and died. I suppose this post - showing four trees that didn't make it through Winter this year - will have to do (for now). First tree lost: our first Japanese Maple: Tamukeyama . Too bad. I'll try to replace this with another Japanese Maple. The next two trees (if we're calling them that...) are a two of the three Green Giant Thujas planted back by the Lilacs. One of them remains, but two of them went orange. I yanked one of them out and put it back by the compost pile. I'll do the same with the others this weekend when I find the time. The last one, that I don't have a photo of (because...I'm pretty sure the dang rabbits gnaw'd it all the way down to the ground) is the Shagbark Hickory. It, too, is struck out below. With this update, I am changing some of the stats. 2023 m...