Totem Pole Ornamental Grass Update - September 2023

In the Spring of 2021 (two growing seasons ago), I bought a singular (broke the rule of buying multiples), large-scale ornamental grass named Prairie Winds Totem Pole - Panicum virgatum . Planted it on the edge of the front porch bed as a vertical accent. What caught my attention at the Morton Sale? The height of this grass being listed as 72" tall - 6 feet tall . It came back in May of 2022 - and is a late starter every season. A year after planting, the grass was still small , but by the end of the growing season, it was probably four-feet-tall or so. And had some nice Winter Interest . But, that front porch bed has changed quite a bit in the last year - the Norway Maple is gone. Replaced by a smaller Triumph Elm. That has opened up this bed to more light and reduced root competition. And the results on this ornamental grass? The tallest it has ever been - and close to the promised 6-foo...