Pruning A Pagoda Dogwood Tree - June 2024
For the second growing-season in-a-row, I've pruned the small Pagoda Dogwood tree in our backyard. Planted in Fall 2021 , this native tree has just quietly grown into something about the size of a medium-sized shrub. It has horizontal branching, so I've been careful to prune it - while making it more tree-form while not taking too much off the tree. Last year, I pruned back the bottom layer of branches. Not removing branches, but just cutting them back . This year, I'm doing the same thing - but a layer higher. Below is the pre-pruning look at our Pagoda Dogwood tree. The second layer is reaching out wide. And, below is the 'after'. I cut a segment down on each of the second-tier of branching. Hoping for even more vertical-growth from the leader this season.