Compost Bin Winter Desire Path - January 2024
Before the snow totally melted this week, I noticed a phenomenon in our backyard: I had created a ' Desire Path ' between our house and the compost bin in the back of our yard. What are desire paths? Check out this post from U-W Madison . They talk about desire paths are an example of the relationship between people (me) and place (our backyard): But desire paths are not inert histories. Once established, they influence how pedestrians use and interact with their environment going forward. To the dismay of some planners and to the fascination of others, desire paths are representative of the constantly evolving relationship between people and place. Below is a photo showing our 2023-2024 Wintertime Compost Bin Desire Path: Speaks to the continued kitchen-scrap composting that we've done all Winter. Egg Shells, coffee grounds and vegetable scraps all found their way to the bins and put in the bin with the "Feed Me" Compost Bin sign . To date, th...