Mounting Another Staghorn Fern - Pine Board and Moss - February 2022
This is now - unofficially - Staghorn Fern Week - on in my garden diary. This is the third post in as many days about Staghorn Ferns starting with my first post about bringing home a small 4" Staghorn Fern that the kids and I mounted on a pine board . Then, yesterday I posted a little story about how I found four 6" - and more mature - Staghorn Ferns at Home Depot and decided I was going to make up a few mounted ferns for Valentine's Day this year. In that first post, I showed a little look into how we (the kids and I) put together the first mounted fern. Here, below, is a closer look (with more photos) of how I put together one of these larger Staghorn Ferns using the same process. I started this larger, more mature Staghorn with the same size board, but I used a larger bowl to make a slightly larger circle. Below, you can see the circle I drew in pencil along with the 1-1/4 narrow-threaded drywall screws that I put around the circumference of...