Indigo Bunting (Male) Sighting At Waterfall Glen - July 2020
On a recent morning, we were out at Waterfall Glen - on the Waterfall side - and as I was walking back to the van in the little parking lot, I heard this bird before I saw him. He (didn't know it was a *he* at the time) was making some noise and I looked up and with his blue coat, I couldn't miss him. I grabbed my phone and zoomed in as best as I could and took the photo you see above. I don't think that I've seen such a vibrant blue bird in our area, so I knew that I had to figure out who it was. It didn't take long - just simply putting [bright blue bird northern illinois] into the Google machine and you get this featured search snippet: I now knew what it was: an Indigo Bunting. So, when I got home, I turned to my bird book and quickly looked it up. Sure enough...take a look at that photo in the book: It is an adult male that I saw with what the book "cerulean blue" and I'm pretty confident that this is the first Indigo Bunti...