
Showing posts with the label music from big pink

And Then There Were None - Garth Hudson - The Band - January 2025

Garth Hudson, the last surviving member of The Band died this week .  To say that The Band has had a profound impact on me is an understatement.  From Variety : After woodshedding with Dylan in West Saugerties, N.Y. — where Hudson served as recording engineer for Dylan and the group’s legendary “basement tapes” – the musicians stepped out as the Band on a stunning 1968 debut, “Music From Big Pink.” That album and the self-titled 1969 sequel established them as one of the day’s top rock acts. Here's a 'Get to know Garth Hudson' video from YouTube where the creator opens with: "I never thought Garth Hudson would be the last man standing of The Band, but here we are."

Happy Thanksgiving 2018 - Via The Last Waltz (And Big Pink)

Go out yonder, peace in the valley Come downtown, have to rumble in the alley Oh, you don't know the shape I'm in. Doesn't get much better than that song, right?  Go ahead...hit 'play',  then keep reading the rest of the post.   Those of you who have been following along at home over the years know about our Thanksgiving tradition of watching a little bit of The Band play live for their last show.   (Note:  I say "our" tradition, but Nat has made it *very* clear that this is *my* tradition alone...) I've been posting about it since 2004 here on the blog with a few years skipped.  Turns out, this is the 12th postin the series over the years. Here's my post from 2017 on The Last Waltz . Here's my post from 2016 on The Last Waltz . Here's my post from 2015 on The Last Waltz . Here's my post from 2014 on The Last Waltz . Here's my post from 2013 on The Last Waltz . Here's my post from 2012 on The Last Waltz . H...