2021 Green Room (Front Room) Christmas Tree (2021 Data Updated)
Below is a photo of our second Christmas tree - the Green Room Tree - that is now standing tall and proud in our front room. This is the tree you see from the street and the one that is full of white lights and vintage ornaments. Otherwise known (at least around here) as Nat's 'fancy tree'. Over the weekend, I shared a photo of our Family Room tree . This one is smaller, less girth-y and is 18" or so shorter. But, just like the one in the family room has a lovely shape and, similarly, came from Wisconsin. I've been tracking these trees on the blog over the years. This is the 17th tree that I've documented and is the second one of this season (2021). Here's our 2021 Green Room Tree . Just like in years past: a little smaller than Family Room. But just about perfect-looking. Here's our 2021 Family Room Tree - between 8' and 9' tall and picture-perfect shape. Here's our 2020 Green Room tree - about 6' tall in total and perfect...