A Mechanical Doorbell: Crazy? Or Crazy Cool?
We're at the point in the building of our new old farmhouse that we're starting to think about some finishes. That means Nat is trying to wrangle all the choices with counters and tile and colors and trim and such. But it also means things like railing hangers and garage floor epoxy and doorbells. Yeah...doorbells. And Nat and I have been looking around online to find a doorbell that we both like and while there are some neat ones that seem right , I just haven't found anything that I'm in love with. I know...it is just a doorbell. But, I loved our last one. And I want to love this one. That's lead me to this crazy idea: what about a mechanical doorbell? See the photo above? That's the 'outside' part of the mechanical doorbell. You have to 'turn' the dial to ring the bell. Below is a photo of the 'bell' part that would sit inside the house. Remember, we're trying to build a #NewOldFarmhouse. ...