
Farm Security Administration Desk Chair - Garage Sale Find

A few weeks past, I posted a photo of a couple of soda pop bottles that I picked up for my Dad at a garage sale down the street .  In that post, I mentioned that I bought a desk chair, too.  This, is that desk chair.  It isn't destined for my desk, but rather for my office as a chair the kids can sit in while they're in there with me.  The chair was priced right and didn't require any haggling, so I snatched it up and put it in the back of my car.  It is well worn, but still rocks and spins and seems to be very solid.  After I got it home, I noticed a few tags on the lower parts of the chair that tell the chair's story.  Check out the tags below.  First one says:  U.S. Department of Agriculture.  F.S.A. Farm Security Administration.  It appears that the number for inventory control has been scratched out.  On another leg, there's another Department of Agriculture FSA tag with the letters "U" and "S" on either side of the tag.  O

Another Year, Another Disney Parks Moms Panel Rejection

I guess I'm NOT as big of a Disney Dad as I thought I was.  Once again. Why do I say that?  Because I was once again rejected for the Disney Parks Moms Panel.  They sent me this very nice form rejection letter: Don't worry, I'm used to this.  I've been rejected before.  Every year since 2015 when I first applied.  2015 is also the only year that I seem to have posted about the rejection .

Our Chicago Marathon Signs - Supporting Our Marathon Momma 2018

My pretty, pretty, pretty amazing partner in life Natalie redefined her limits once again this past weekend by completing the Chicago Marathon.  The Chicago Marathon is pretty neat as a participant as you get to not only see quite a few neighborhoods, but you also get encouraged by the spectators across all 26.2 miles of the course.  Well...I think that because they're now limiting access to the finish line, it's more like you get encouraged by spectators for like 25 miles, then you just have to gut out the last 1.2 miles or so - which is easy when the finish line is in sight.  I've gone to watch the Marathon other years including when my sister Vic has run it by herself, but that time - if I recall correctly - I didn't run around but just sat in one spot and saw her from there.  With the advent of the Chicago Marathon mobile app and the ability to track runners by both split times AND an approximation with the map, it is pretty easy to find and connect with the ru

Before/After Southside Window Well Clean-up

Up top is the 'before' photo of one of the window wells on the southside of our house.  We had some work done to it and the landscaping required restoration.  This is technically the 'in the middle of' photo as the landscapers had already done some cleaning up. Below is the after.  They laid some sod, straightened things out and put mulch down.  Now we just have to babysit the sod with a soaker hose while it gets established.

Vintage Chicago Bears Helmet Bank - All American Bank of Chicago

I came across this vintage Chicago Bears helmet bank from All American Bank of Chicago up in Wisconsin at an Antique Mall.  There were a pair of them - this one and another one with a weird bird logo on the helmet.  Nat and I were puzzled by that one, so I only bought this one.  This is intended as a gift for one of my brother-in-laws.  Those of you who have kept up with the blog over the years might recall this sweet vintage White Sox bank that I posted back in 2014.  I gifted that bank to the same brother-in-law that this one is destined to be gifted to at some point.  Christmas is the likely time when I will give this, but maybe birthday season? This is from the All American Bank of Chicago, which appears to be a "failed bank" per the FDIC . As for the bank, you'll note that it has the all-white "C" on the sides.  According to this page, that logo was in use from 1962 to 1973 .     So this helmet was a give-away from the bank somewhere in the 1960'

Fringed Tulips - Crystal Beauty Bulbs Planting - Fall 2018

It is early October and around here that means Fall bulb planting.  Just like last year, where I planted 30 tulip bulbs and some Allium bulbs , I'm planning on sticking both in the ground this year although there are a few differences.   First, I'm giving more consideration to the 'where' these tulips are going.  And second:  these are 'fringed tulips', which is kind of cool, right? Fringed Tulips seem to be pleasers.  From this listing on White Flower Farm : Fringed Tulips have flower petals that are edged with finely cut fringes that remind us of fine quartz crystals or frost on window panes. If you're seeking a beautiful novelty bedding plant, you've found it. Last year, I planted the tulips along the fenceline in the back and after seeing them come up this season, I'm not happy with their location and think that I'm likely to dig them up and move them somewhere else.   I'm also thinking that they might find a good home i

Donald Duck Family Tree

Via Twitter - shared by @BillCorbett here . I took a screenshot of this Donald Duck Family Tree poster from Bill Corbett on Twitter - tweet embedded below.  I posted the full image above so you can see it here natively on the blog.  But know...that image is not mine.  It is *from* this tweet below.  I could study this like it was the Magna Carta and look at every detail for hours.  And I intend to, but...for now:  A few things that are awesome - besides the one Bill points out below: They've obscured Donald's Brother-in-Law, the father of Huey, Duey and Louie.  Who is their Dad?  We might never know .   The Duck family intermarried with coots.  I didn't know what a coot was ! I always thought family trees went downwards.  This one goes up.  But, maybe that makes sense in that the elders are the 'roots' of the family?   There's loads more things to notice and the commenters on Bill's Tweet do a good job . Someone posted this Donald Duck fami