
Japanese White Pine Spotted - April 2022

There I was, wandering around the parking lot nursery at my local big box store when I saw it staring at me.  It was pulled off the pallet and was standing proud - almost as if another shopper was intrigued by it, pulled it out to get a better look and then abandoned it.  What am I talking about?  This beauty below - a Japanese White Pine - Pinus Parviflora Nana. How does that make me feel?  Like this: Why?  Because, I hemmed-and-hawed about this tree last year and FINALLY bought one when it dropped to 50% off .  I babied it.  And what happened?  It is dead.  All brown dead.   The lure of this is strong, but I need to learn from my mistakes:  I'm not certain that this tree works for me, my garden and my zone.  But, do I really know?  Or, does it take two trees to be sure??  There's REALLY only one way to find out, right?  

Wandering Around The Beds - Early April 2022

There are signs of life emerging EVERYWHERE around our garden.  Here's a few photos of things that are bringing me a little bit of Spring joy in beds around our garden.  First, the IB2DW bed - which has (now) five Pinball Wizard Allium bulbs that were planted last year .  Below, you can see the red-ish tips of the foliage emerging from the mulch.   On the south side of the house is an Iris that my Sister Vic gave to me from her Indiana Street (Elmhurst) neighbor.  I call this "Wes' Iris" .  It is coming alive as I type: Under the troubled (in Decline) Norway Maple out front are some *new* (to me) tulips that have arrived for the first time (below).  I planted these last year .  They're DIFFERENT in that the foliage is variegated and has a pink(ish) stripe down the edge.  And, here below, are a BUNCH more tulips that I planted down near the sidewalk in that troublesome spot.  Should note (to myself) where these are and how to augment them this Fall. Below is a peek

Finding Green Giant Thuja Trees At Big Box Nursery - April 2022

Starting with this post from early March and carried through as #1 on my 2022 priority list was the discussion of shrubs and how I needed to focus on adding them to add depth, structure and the notion of layering to our garden.  Then last week, over the course of a few 'shrub exploration' posts, I tried to organize my thinking via some specific garden bed sections - including the lilac area , a north-side mixed shrub section by the trampoline , the fire pit area and the spot that *could* be the home of a fire pit-area path extension . Across all of those garden bed 'slices', I was able to create a shrub list that included nine upright evergreens in three different colonies of three each.  Three in the north-side mixed area that would front the transplanted lilas, three in the (current) lilac area that would serve as back layer to a trio of Tardiva Hydrangeas and finally three that would either back three Little Lime Hydrangeas (or perhaps three + 1 to frame the event

Northside Mixed Flowering Shrub Exploration - April 2022

Shrub exploration post number five (today) focuses on the north side bed that is bordered by the firewood rack on one side and our Dawn Redwood on the other .  This 'thinking out loud' exploration post on shrubs follows on the previous four including the lilac replacement, a mixed evergreen/dwarf hydrangea planting, the base on our espaliered Linden trees and just yesterday, a mixed privacy border by our fire pit area.   Today is a spot that I talked about in my original 'shrubs as my #1 priority' post in March that - per the plan - calls for a series of Chicago Lustre Arrowwood Viburnum .  Looking at that area in the plan, you'll see a row of Viburnum below: What is in this area right now?  Just a couple of trees and a scrub shrub that we inherited.  Orange oval = London Planetree.  Yellow oval = edge of our Dawn Redwood.  Red oval = Contorted Walkingstick tree.  You can see the big, scrub bush there in the middle, too. Knowing that I'm looking to transplant t

Fire Pit Boundary Shrub Exploration - April 2022

Today marks the fourth in the running series of exploration posts around how I am thinking and planning for shrubs this season.  Getting going on shrubs - both deciduous and evergreen - is my #1 priority for this growing season and I've taken the past few posts to talk thru - on the blog - my thoughts. The three previous beds that I walked thru are: 1. A 20' area where I need to replace some lilacs with an evergreen layer and three Tardiva Hydrangeas . 2. An adjacent spot that calls for a similar (but different) evergreen layer fronted by three dwarf Little Lime Hydrangeas that are planted in a way to NOT foreclose a potential path. 3. The area that lays at the feet of the pair of Greenspire Linden trees along our fence line close to our patio that calls for some formal evergreens. Today I wanted to talk about the fence-side of our fire pit.  Here's what the area looks like currently below.  The annotated photo shows what is currently in place:  Red = existing matur

Shrubs At Feet of Linden Espalier Trees - An Exploration - April 2022

This is the third in a series of shrub exploration posts that are helping me think and plan how I execute on my #1 priority for 2022:  plant shrubs in a deliberate way .  I started with this 20' area where I need to replace some lilacs with an evergreen layer and three Tardiva Hydrangeas . Yesterday, I looked at an adjacent spot that calls for a similar (but different) evergreen layer fronted by three dwarf Little Lime Hydrangeas that are planted in a way to NOT foreclose a potential path.  Today, I'm looking at the area that lays at the feet of the pair of Greenspire Linden trees along our fenceline.  Here's what it looks like today: Orange ovals = Greenspire Lindens in a horizontal cordon espalier.  Green ovals = Summer Beauty Alliums. I've always wanted a little bit more structure in this area - but haven't done anything meaningful. There are two problems:  First...the plan is SILENT here.  No plantings.  Second, there's a bit of an elevation/slope that is

Shade Evergreen And Hydrangea Layer Exploration - March 2022

Yesterday, I walked through an exploration of an area in one of my beds that calls for a mix of Tardiva Hydrangea and (now) an upright evergreen layer .  That requires the moving/transplanting of four Lilac shrubs that have never taken off due to shade.  My #1 backyard priority for 2022 is a focus on shrubs and being deliberate about buying and planting them - versus say...perennial flowers.  I've talked about buying and adding a series of Arrowwood Viburnum shrubs in various spots, but there's a segment of our landscape plan that is directly adjacent to yesterday's Lilac replacement area that calls for a mix of hydrangeas and evergreens.   Here's a look (below)  at this 18-20' area that is bound on one side by the Kwanzan Flowering Cherry tree and on the other by a large (2nd largest on our property) Northern Red Oak tree.  You can see the tree here in this post showing some winter/snow damage .  That Oak is on the right.  In Yellow is a run of various hostas.