Northside Mixed Flowering Shrub Exploration - April 2022

Shrub exploration post number five (today) focuses on the north side bed that is bordered by the firewood rack on one side and our Dawn Redwood on the other.  This 'thinking out loud' exploration post on shrubs follows on the previous four including the lilac replacement, a mixed evergreen/dwarf hydrangea planting, the base on our espaliered Linden trees and just yesterday, a mixed privacy border by our fire pit area.  

Today is a spot that I talked about in my original 'shrubs as my #1 priority' post in March that - per the plan - calls for a series of Chicago Lustre Arrowwood Viburnum.  Looking at that area in the plan, you'll see a row of Viburnum below:

What is in this area right now?  Just a couple of trees and a scrub shrub that we inherited.  Orange oval = London Planetree.  Yellow oval = edge of our Dawn Redwood.  Red oval = Contorted Walkingstick tree.  You can see the big, scrub bush there in the middle, too.

Knowing that I'm looking to transplant the four Lilacs from the shade, it seems that this is a good spot for them to land.  They take the place of a couple of the Viburums in the plan.  And, I think would be nice if they, too, were 'backed' by an evergreen layer.  Here's my current exploration below in an annotated photo:

Leave the three existing trees (that's a win, right?).  Plant three upright evergreens (i.e. Thujas) in the green ovals.  And move all four Lilacs over here in the purple ovals.  Upright ones to the right - because of a tree canopy to the left.

For the first time doing one of these shrub explorations, I've been able to CUT items on my shopping list - with the reduction of four Viburnums.  Will the Lilacs work here?  I'm not sure, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

With these (now) five posts, here's what things look like:\

9 upright evergreens - Green Giants, Upright Yews, Hemlocks
3 Tardiva Hydrangeas
3 Little Lime Hydrangeas
2 Jetstream Oakleaf Hydrangeas
1 Climbing Hydrangea
2-3 Upright Yews
8-12 Boxwoods

And, transplanting of two upright Hicks Yews and four Lilacs.


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