
Microwave Bag For Potatoes?

Seems crazy to me to buy a $10 bag to stick your potatoes in so you can microwave them.  Wouldn't a paper towel wrapped around it do the same thing? While I was waiting to pick up a photo at Walgreens, I looked at all these "As Seen on TV" items.  The burger stuffer seems promising?!?

So Long, Polay's Elmhurst - Moving From 1st and York

Saw a sign on Polay's in the Elmhurst City Centre this morning saying that they're moving up the block from 100 N. York to 378 N. York.  Which... looks like Google Maps is saying is North of North Ave .  Close to the Burger King up there.  Bad news for the City Centre - as another vacancy comes up - but potentially great news as this signature corner, which is just north of the tracks as you enter our Downtown can be reborn as something that has more foot traffic than the interior decorator.

Super Bowl Champion Broncos Jacket?

Kind of hard to see, but in the middle of that photo is a guy wearing a jacket that says "Super Bowl Champions" on it.  Big Broncos logo. Do they distribute the loosing gear to people already?  Is this guy down on his luck and got the jacket for free?  So many questions after a loss like that.

Breakfast with The Bird

Pancakes?  Eggs?  Playground?  Done. Done. And Done.

Our MagicBands - 2014

A few weeks back, our magic bands arrived.  Don't know what they are?  Well...they're part of an evil plan by a massive corporation to harvest huge amounts of data about your location, spending habits, personal information and more all for profit. And...I can't wait to use them.

Red Cross First Aid Text-Book

Nat picked up this 2nd edition (I think) earlier this year.  She has a warm spot in her heart for the Red Cross after serving there as an employee for a few years.  They're typically our #1 place we turn for donations it seems because of her guidance. The book looks great along side the rest of her antique books.  But, this one is special to her!

Paint the Highway Orange Campaign Fighting Illini

This morning, University of Illinois Athletic Director Mike Thomas sent out a mass email asking for local farmers (and Illini Fans) who might be interested in putting up Burma-shave signs along one of the major highways in the State. Based on the map they've included , they're interested in putting them all the way up towards Chicago, so hopefully we'll see them pop up soon. Think it is a pretty cute idea and a nice way to boost enthusiasm for the programs.

The Walt Disney Archives at MSI Chicago

Over the weekend, we went to see the Walt Disney Archives (traveling version) at the Museum of Science and Industry.  We arrived right when the museum opened, so we had very few lines to deal with - which was pretty nice. The exhibit is really broken down into three four parts: 1.  Walt's early life, launching his companies, failing, hitting on the Mouse 2.  Growing his animation Studio 3.  Developing the theme parks 4.  Some 'artifacts' from Disney productions I really loved 3/4 of it and found the whole story of Walt's entrepreneurship pretty compelling. The Bird - who is four now - didn't love it.  By the end, she just wanted to get going so we could go see the baby chicks hatching in the other part of the museum.

Lionel Sandy Andy Automatic Gravel Loader

I picked up one of these at the Great Midwest Train Show before Christmas.  It was billed by the dealer as being "basically a perpetual motion machine".  Unfortunately, one of the plastic pieces in the box was broken, so it didn't work too well. So, I went looking on Ebay for another one to use as parts.  Found one for just a few bucks.  When it arrived, guess what?  Had a break in the exact same spot.  Thinking I've found the vulnerable piece in the production, huh?

Vintage Christmas Gift Cards

The final piece (for now) of our Vintage Christmas binge after the New Year are these gift tags.  In this box is 15 different cards.  They're all 3 dimensional and each one different.   And they're stamped "Japan" on the back.  Pretty cute stuff.