Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea In Bloom - July 2024
The pair of Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangeas that are planted near the Dawn Redwood tree are in bloom. Late July. With long, slender bloom heads that are turning from light green to pink. Below are a couple of photos that show both of them. There's also an Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea that I relocated here, but that one isn't as advanced as these two. Planted in May of 2022, these Ruby Slippers are a dwarf variety of Oakleaf Hydrangea that I bought at the Morton Arboretum annual plant sale . In the photo above, you also can get a peek at some of the recently-planted Sun King Golden Aralia (Japanese Spikard) that also came from the Morton Arboretum sale . The last time that I peeked at these in the [garden diary] was about a month ago when I revisited this 'garden edit' . I feel good about the border and the little slice of the garden that fronts this, the part *behind* the Nootka Cypress - sort-of adjacent to this - is anoth...