
Boone Hall Plantation Visit

We spent an afternoon at the Boone Hall Plantation  outside of Charleston, South Carolina.  The highlight is these 300+ year old Live Oak Trees along the approach to the plantation house. My camera phone does them absolute no justice.  Because of how their roots grow, they're hurricane-proof . Slave houses, plantation tours and history were the order of the day.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Special thanks to Governor Sanford for having us this week.  Spent a good bit of time on the beach, at the pool, and hiking the Appalachian Trail with the Moran clan.   More on what I learned and where we went when we get back.

Chicago Bears Dan Hampton in Frankfort (1986-1987ish)

I found this photo while digging through my dad's garage in Michigan.  From left to right is Matt Levy, a young me, my dad, Dan Hampton, my sister Linda, my sister Vic, and Aaron Levy.  Look at the smile on my dad's face! I remember this like it was yesterday:  My mom's friend won a raffle from the new grocery store in Frankfort called Apples where Dan Hampton would personally deliver a sack of groceries to your front door.  Of course, she invited over the neighborhood so we could all meet the Danimal.  My recollection is that when I shook his hand it was like shaking a catcher's mitt. Looks like I have a program of some sorts in my hands, so there is a companion autograph somewhere in my dad's archives.  The vintage is somewhere in 1986 or 1987.  Based on the brown grass, looks like this was in the spring.  Could this have been right after the Superbowl?  I look older than 8, right?

Gone Fishin'

for today, at least.

Back to School Shoppers Head Online

This story ran in the Chicago Tribune over the weekend.  Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. In another sign of how the Web has taken over clothes shopping in particular, searches for "first day of school outfit" on Google are up 40 percent from last year, according to the company's Chicago-based retail division. Searches specifically for girls' dresses, boys' shoes and backpacks for children are each up 5 percent for August from the same period last year. Photo from the Tribune's piece

Illinois State Fair on Google Streetview

If you're headed to the Illinois State Fair this week, check out Streetview to plan your route.  And...if you're there with a group of friends, might I suggest Latitude  to make sure no one gets lost?  If you're interested in keeping up with State Fair, you  might want to check out the official State Fair blog on Blogger .  Welcome to the future! View Larger Map

Home Run Inn - Original Menu from 1978

A few weeks back, Nat and I went down to the original Home Run Inn on 31st Street to enjoy a feast with our friends.  We grabbed a booth in the main dining room and right above us was this beauty:  the 1978 menu that they bill as the "original".  The place has been open (as a tavern) since the 1920's, but there must have been a shift restaurant-wise that happened in 1978.  Their current menu is a slick piece of marketing collateral with photos and colors all over the place.  It is really well done. But....there's nothing like a big steaming sausage and pepperoni combo pie served with a side of nostalgia.  I think they should update this version and bring it back.    (Get a load of the prices in '78!)

Mirai Sweet Corn

At the Elmhurst Farmer's Market, there are your typical produce vendors - wide variety of offerings, but not a ton of personality.  They'll have fruit/vegetables but usually just a teenager there to collect the money.  They're not really interacting with the customers as much as just taking their money.  The food is good, that's not my complaint.   Then...there are two large vendors with some personality and quite a bit of knowledge.  One of those vendors is Twin Garden Farms from Harvard, Illinois.  They are the purveyors of Mirai Sweet Corn - they're own home-grown hybrid variety. The serve it raw - right in the stand - and it tastes delicious.  They say that occasionally they'll have it at Dominicks or Jewels, so if you see it, pick up a sack.  They come 6 ears per purchase.  Cook all six and make it a meal!

Stone Ridge Creamery Tart Frozen Yogurt

File this under:  my late evolving tastebuds. The Jewels has recently re-branded their private label ice creams under the Stone Ridge Creamery banner and they're not bad.  We don't eat a lot of ice cream (we eat a ton of Skinny Cows and Weight Watcher bars, but not real ice cream), so I can't tell you where it ranks versus other ice creams premium or not. But...Nat came home with a quart of their new Tart Frozen Yogurt .  I think it took me all of 4 days to eat the whole thing.  I would have never thought that I would be into lowfat tart frozen yogurt, but I've shared too many a Berry Chill with Nat and I've grown more than accustomed, if not downright ravenous of tart yogurts. If you're in your local Jewels and are in the frozen aisle, eschew the novelties section and head over to pick up a pint of this stuff.  If you like Pinkberry or Berry Chill, it will NOT disappoint.

Chicago Pizza Snob: Coalfire Chicago

Coalfire Chicago  ( site ) 1321 West Grand Ave, Chicago, IL  60642, (312)226-6447 Pizza Snob Says:  Coalfire is the ONLY coal-fired pizza oven in Chicago.  They churn (and I really mean churn) out Neapolitan pies with a chewy crust with the true burnt/charred edges around the perimeter.  Although they don't use fresh mozzarella, they don't skimp on the toppings like most Neapolitan places.  They're kid-friendly and the owners/staff couldn't be more pleased to have you in their restaurant.   Is this *the best* pizza in Chicago and suburbs?  Nah...but it is good enough to warrant a return trip. Rating:    Five "Ats-a-Nice" First things, first.  This is the first of 23 trips to the top 23 pizza places in Chicago that Nat and I are attempting to make in a calendar year! Sitting in (what I would call) the West Loop is this unassuming storefront pizza joint.  Looks a lot like plenty of places scattered across the city.  The big difference here?  Behind that gla