Weeping Nootka Cypress Tree - Setting Fall Conifer Needle Buds - November 2024

Planted in Spring of 2021 , our Weeping Nootka Falsecypress tree is now closing out its fourth full growing season in our backyard. This was one of the larger 'nursery pot' trees that we've put in, so judging the growth and maturation isn't as easy as it is on some other smaller trees. Has this grown? Certainly. Is it 'plain to the eye'? That's a little harder to confirm. The answer is 'yes'. And when I go back and look at the planting post here and then flip back to this photo, I can see it. This has not only grown taller. The limbs have lengthened and the whole thing has put on...well...girth. Below is a photo showing the current size and shape of this conifer tree. I still love this tree as much as I did when we planted it. But, this post isn't just about documenting the size and growth of the tree. It is also to document what is happening on the 'tips' of the falsecypress tree branches: buds b...