Little Napoli and Tiny Tim Tomatoes In Fruit - July 2024

I planted three bush (determinate) tomatoes including a couple of cherry and one (new to me) Roma variety . The Roma is named Little Napoli and is producing oval-shaped tomatoes on a small, bush-shaped plant. Below is a peek at the true-to-form Roma green tomatoes so far. I'd say there's a couple dozen on the small plant. And, the Tiny Tim Cherry (also a bush tomato) from the Morton Arboretum is *even more* prolific - as it is COVERED in small, green tomatoes. Both are doing better than I expected. The third bush one that I planted? Little Bing ? It is behind these two - both in terms of size and fruit. I think that means I can take some credit on #19 of my 2024 to-do list: do more with vegetables . Done and done.